Friday, October 24, 2008

U.S Presidential Elections and it's effect on India

Some of the Key Issues Indians, NRI's, India American's looking from the U.S Presidential race are

- Immigration Policy
- Outsourcing
- Taxes
- Medicare
- Social Security
- Technology,Business partnership with India

Please share your thoughts Republican's, Democrat's who will be good from our stand point.

Has India Emerged as a global player?

India is emerging as a power house in various fields Space, Technology, Nuclear sector. Has the benefit of India's growth story reached everyone, that's question that transcends everybodies mind.

India Still Lacks the Infrastructure as compared to developed and emerging economies. Still there is no 24hour water, electricity, good roads in cities,towns and villages. All the towns, Cities are very poorly planned. All the cities are choked up in Traffic and pollution. We see there isn't proper long term planning for cities in India. There is lot of poverty,unemployment in India. There isn't proper drainage,sewage system in town's and villages.

We are on the growth track that's a good news. but we are not there yet.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Telengana - is it really required?

My article got published on MSN. Please click the link below:

If you look at the History. Telengana was ruled by the Nizams, at that point Telengana included parts of Maharastra, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh. When india went ahead to form states on the basis of linguistic basis. Telengana was bifuricated and most part of it merged into Andhra pradesh. Andhra pradesh itself was carved out of Madras Province. It was a hard time at the point for Andhra people to loose Madras. Over the years it took a while to establish good cities and infrastructure, in the state of Andhrapradesh. It was effort of various govenrnments that put Andra pradesh on fast track of development. For some reason most of the development and investment went into Hyderabad and it became one the fast growing Metropolis in the Nation. Large chunk of the investments came from Andhra people. There has been lot of migration of Andhra people to Hyderabad over the years.

Hyderabad Region is integral part of Andhra pradesh and is a major nerve centre. Dividing the state would hurt the progress of Andhra pradesh and it would take another 60 years for Andhra pradesh to develop into what it is today.

Now it has come in the hands of mean politians who want to divide the state for the sake of power. Over recent times government is trying for the over all development of the state. Backward regions need to be given special packages for their development, upliftment. Tier2 cities need to be developed all over Andrapradesh for the benefit of the people with good facilities. All Telugu people should stay united to progress ahead. There is a saying "United We Stand Divided We Fall".

Let's all stay united and help the progress of Andhrapradesh into Swarna Andhra Pradesh.


Capitalism and it's fall

My Article got published on MSN . Please click the link below

It's an eye opener for the east and the emerging economies. The free markets policy of the west has hit the road block and are on the downside. These are the lessons for the emerging economies of the world to take into consideration for their future policy makers.

Free markets are good for the development, competiveness provided they are in correct framework of financial regulations. United states have heavily deregulated the financial markets. Now it is facing a huge financial burden and mess, leading the world economy into the recession.

The world today is so interlinked that Sub-prime mortage crisis started in U.S and parts of European countries has hits the Banks, Stock Markets world wide. It has put whole world into a recession mode.

Now U.S is back into a Socialist model Nationalising the Banks, buying stake into the Banks. This is something india did when it was following a socialist model. In 1969 the government nationalized the 14 largest commercial banks; the government nationalized the six next largest in 1980.The stated reason for the nationalization was to give the government more control of credit delivery. With the second dose of nationalization, the GOI controlled around 91% of the banking business of India.

In the early 1990s, the then Narsimha Rao government embarked on a policy of liberalization, licensing a small number of private banks. This move, along with the rapid growth in the economy of India, revitalized the banking sector in India, which has seen rapid growth with strong contribution from all the three sectors of banks, namely, government banks, private banks and foreign banks.

Now the policy maker's have to protect the Banking regulations in india from the lessons learned from the West. India is not in a financial mess like western counter parts, because banking is still not fully deregulated. It's an eye opener for the policy makers to control the Banking regulations.
Banking and Financial markets are key for the economic growth and needs to be well protected.
