Sunday, November 30, 2008

War with Pakistan would be catastrophic both for India and Pakistan

Indian Military is by far more superior than Pakistan army in terms of size,sophistication,weapons and technology. In case of war arises between two arch rivals. Indian army can defeat pakistan army, pakistan army would have no other option, but to use nuclear weapons against india. India being a big country can sustain a nuclear hit, while pakistan would seize to exist from the world map.

India should hold discussion with Pakistan Military directly, as pakistan government has no control over the military establishment.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lifestyle between India and US is narrowing

U.S is known for it good and wide free ways connecting across U.S. Even India is building good freeways, look at the Quadrangle project connecting New Delhi,mumbai, Chennai and Kolkatta. It is equivalent to U.S freeways with exits, rest area,proper signs,speed limits. Mumbai-Pune expressway is very impressive two, equivalent to U.S freeways. India is continuing to is build similar freeways current projects are North-South Corridor, East-West Corridor. I am sure as we continue to build such freeways we shall have similar freeway system as in U.S.A in years to come.

U.S is known for 911 emergency services, where on one call police,Ambulance, Fire fighters respond to people. Similarly 108 service came in India, where any body can call and police, ambulance respond quickly. This Service exists in Andhrapradesh, i am not sure about other states. I heard even Karnataka is adopting similar policy. I am sure all other states in India will develop such model.

In U.S we have Social Security System(SSN). Where based on one id all the history is being tracked like credit history, criminal history. Planning commission has recently announced UFID will be issued for all citizens in India as single tracking system similar to SSN in U.S. This is planned to be implemented by 2010.

Governments Initiative to develop airports on the public private partnership has resulted in World class airports in India. Airport in Hyderabad and Bangalore are developed with world class facilities.

Look at the health care system in India. There are very good hospital will all facilities, even people from across the world are visiting India for cheap and quality health care system.

In recent years we also see the rise of malls, what exists in U.S.A. We also have all the major U.S fast food restaurants in India.

India signing the nuclear deal also opened up Nuclear power industry to foreign collaboration and technology.Nuclear power generation would help india bridge gap power needs. Hopefully there should be lesser power cuts in future.

We know still there is a long road ahead. I believe in next 20 years the lifestyle gap between U.S and India will be further narrowed.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Violence...Terror Rail in India

All the major cities are effected by Bomb blast. Lot of innocent people dieing as a result. Why is it that there is some much unrest in India. It was not the case 20 years or 30 years back. There use to be unrest in Kashmir, Punjab during the 80's. Unrest in Punjab has subsided. Kashmir still burns.

Now the terrorist activities have spread across in India. No city in India is safe haven. Is it the Government policies that is causing this mess?

Off late we see communilisation of the politics based on religion, may be part of the problem lies in this. Minority communities feel threatened and engage in these terrorist activities. As a rippling effect we have even hindus involved in terroristed activities as a response to earlier terrorist activities by the minority communities.

BJP has started communal politics, they started with Ayodhya, then Gujarat riots...all these has rippling effect on the people and terrorist activities. We also see partly interference of Pakistan in our internal affairs.

People of India want to live in peace and tranquility. government has to protect the interests of all the communities and prevails policies where everybody can live in peace and harmony.
